...a mommy with a passion for saving, personal finance and investing

Women’s Personal Finance Network

Broke-Ass Mommy Alexa Rankings

    Broke-Ass Mommy first started tracking Alexa rankings after joining the Yakezie Challenge in July 2012, when this site was only a few weeks old. Here were my rankings at that time:

    July 10, 2012--
    Alexa ranking: 3,507,434
    rank within U.S. : 362,177

    My current Alexa rankings:

    Proud Member of Yakezie

    Personal Finance Blogs

Archive for the 'Bizarre' Category

Have you ever lost a friend over money? What happens when friends are less than supportive of your financial viewpoints and certain financial discrepancies cause tension in your relationships? Vividly I recall that worst. feeling. ever: of being squashed beneath $15,000 worth of debt and all of those crippling feelings that encompass trying to conquer [...]

Okay, this is why it totally is dangerous for me to have expendable cash burning a hole through my pocket. Because I will go all out pirate rogue and that sometimes can be a very thorny issue. Or in this case, horn-y. No, not like that, you pervs. Recently I acquired THIS from a private [...]

Laughed at this nugget. Happy Monday! =^..^=

I am suffering through a severe lack of sleep. The wee one has been wrangling a fever-induced wakefulness the past two nights due to her one-year shots last week; not only am I pale and sluggish, but a persistent throbbing has emanated from behind my left eyeball, making it nearly impossible to stare at a [...]

Soon I’ll return to financial topics but first I need to share some of this weird shit that has been happening to me, which started last week when I took the garbage outside and walked back into the foyer to discover a bat hanging (upside down) and guarding our door. On the inside of our [...]

While perusing my inbox—where do these questionable emails come from? No, I don’t want to ‘browse hot singles in my area looking for no strings attached sex!’—I was offered a link that just had to be shared. From best-selling fantasy author Patrick Rothfuss (dude has a wicked ‘fro and beard combination, how could I not [...]

Economic brevity.

Due to an itsy-bitsy tick munching into the crook of my arm, I spent most of yesterday at the doctor’s office being treated for tick bite. : ( (And a slight burn, but more on that later.) Thursday morning, M. and I discussed whether to camp out for one more night or head to Boston [...]

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My Broke-Ass Budget

    Striving to reach one financial goal at a time.

    Paid-off Distress Debt:

    Current Net Worth:
    $31, 653

    My current financial challenge, as a stay-at-home mom, is to raise $1,000, somehow.


    $0 $112.50 $372.50 (February 2013)

    Total =
    $372.50 out of $1,000


    February 2025
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