...a mommy with a passion for saving, personal finance and investing

Women’s Personal Finance Network

Broke-Ass Mommy Alexa Rankings

    Broke-Ass Mommy first started tracking Alexa rankings after joining the Yakezie Challenge in July 2012, when this site was only a few weeks old. Here were my rankings at that time:

    July 10, 2012--
    Alexa ranking: 3,507,434
    rank within U.S. : 362,177

    My current Alexa rankings:

    Proud Member of Yakezie

    Personal Finance Blogs

Archive for the 'Broke-Ass Monday (Free Stuff)' Category

As the delicious Autumn chill swirls through the city air, there is a riotous fluttering of crisp and golden leaves outside. Everything has such an enchanting russet undertone. Yesterday the first fragile snowflakes descended here, y’all! Lexi and I hit the wet pavement to walk three blocks to the mailbox. (Ruddy cheeks, delicate sneezes and [...]

Because, who doesn’t love a Broke-Ass Monday with free stuff? Enjoy this special edition—the Snowflake ‘Save Small Amounts’ Giveaway! Enter below to win a chance at five $5 Paypal Cash prizes or one prize of $25 Paypal Cash!! What is the snowflake savings method? The snowflake savings method illustrates the importance of saving small amounts [...]

Because, who doesn’t love a Broke-Ass Monday? Enjoy some of this fun free stuff circulating around the web. Broke-Ass Monday Don’t miss out on your chance to win the following items: Hurry coffee freaks, this ends tomorrow!! Galtime is giving away some free coffee goodies: two bags of coffee from Eight O’Clock Coffee and a [...]

Because, who doesn’t love a Broke-Ass Monday? Enjoy some of this fun free stuff circulating around the web. Broke-Ass Monday Don’t miss out on your chance to win the following items: Musings From a Stay at Home Mom is sponsoring an Extreme Cash $500 Paypal Giveaway (open worldwide; ends August 20) Are back to school [...]

Because, who doesn’t love a Broke-Ass Monday? Enjoy some of this fun free stuff circulating around the web. Broke-Ass Monday Don’t miss out on your chance to:  Win a Kindle Touch from Love Home Swap (US & Canada, ends July 9) For fellow drifters and vagabonds, win the NY Times ’36 Hours Travel’ book from [...]

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My Broke-Ass Budget

    Striving to reach one financial goal at a time.

    Paid-off Distress Debt:

    Current Net Worth:
    $31, 653

    My current financial challenge, as a stay-at-home mom, is to raise $1,000, somehow.


    $0 $112.50 $372.50 (February 2013)

    Total =
    $372.50 out of $1,000


    January 2025
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