Jun 29th, 2012 by Jennifer Lynn
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
[Even the longest journey must begin where you stand.]
Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu
Chinese philosopher (604 BC – 531 BC)
Last week while analyzing my finances, I decided to come up with a financial challenge to raise $1,000, somehow. These financial challenges are designed to motivate me and slap myself out of financial complacency.
My June progress is encouraging; a client contacted me yesterday regarding a writing piece I’d worked on years ago, and then, suddenly, 80 bucks was buoyantly zipping its way to me through cyberspace.
This is exciting. I’ve now taken my first baby step toward achieving my financial challenge goal — I am eight percent of the way there. Woo-hoo!
What is your personal financial challenge for the summer? Whether it’s saving a few hundred bucks, paying down debt, or setting aside a fund for a home re-construction project, I’d love to hear it.
Why not share your financial challenge for the summer in the comments below and we can hold each other accountable?
I like the idea of a personal finance challenge. Maybe after consistently living a more frugal lifestyle, it will become habit and people will start saving on a regular basis, instead of only part of the time.