Aug 8th, 2012 by Jennifer Lynn
I find it motivating to track my site’s evolution, and thus in-between plucking boogers out of my daughter’s nose—she has a raging cold—I wanted to share some site stats, as you may find them interesting as well. Broke-Ass Mommy officially launched at the end of June, when I started consistently to post, and here is a basic overview of how things have progressed since then.
Content goals: My objective is/was to maintain two to three weekly updates. DONE
Unique visitors per day — The site is now receiving approximately 30 unique visitors a day.
Subscribers –
July 3:
2 subscribers (Can I send you something to express my gratitude? Brandy snaps, perhaps?)
July 18:
11 subscribers
August 8:
18 broke-ass subscribers, as of this morning. (woo-hoo!)
Retaining readers is difficult, and my goal for the week is to try and reach seven new subscribers and bring my total up to 25.
Commentators –
Undeniably, the most rewarding part of building a blog is feedback from readers, and approximately 20 broke-ass readers have commented since launch. A huge thank you to those who’ve taken a moment to stop in and sprinkle me with comment love; your support and thoughtful feedback is invaluable.
Where traffic is coming from — the bulk of traffic is directly from Personal Finance Carnival links and other niche-related finance bloggers, and approximately 15% of traffic are Google hits.
Google Keywords — Ass. Mommy. (Heh.) Frazzled.
Alexa Rankings –
July 10th: 3,507,434
July 17th: 1,725,804
July 30th: 1,236,943
August 6th: 906,877
(current) August 8th: 826, 155
Page Rank: 2
I’m a bit baffled by Page Rank. Do all sites start at zero? 1? Is a PR 2 promising?
What Broke-Ass Mommy is for me..
Since I’m currently addled with gobs of ruckus-ness throughout my daily life, and pieces of me are scattered everywhere, this site is a creative outlet and means to hold myself accountable and remain focused.
(As I’m typing this, my kid is bopping up and down, lopsided, dribbling luscious snot all over my ankle. And screaming and mewling. Two hours and twenty-six minutes later: ok, I’m back. But, uh, lost. Anchor me here, folks.)
Oh, yes.
Overall Broke-Ass Mommy has had a slow and steady progress.
My goal for this month:
To bravely soldier on.
Congratulations on the Page Rank, it took me forever to get to 1. I was at 0 forever.
Yay for growing! When I first checked mine it was at two; at the next update period it was 3 so I'd say you're doing awesome.
Yes ma'am a 2 is great! I just went from a 1 to a 2, and I've been here since March.
Congrats on a PR2 – that's when you start looking tasty to advertisers. Anyway, congrats on your growth!
Wow – a PR two is awesome for a new blogger You now have 19 subscribers. Congrats.
Aww, thanks so much, guys.
@Call me what you want, how odd. I wonder what the criteria is for these PR determinations?
@ Femmefrugality, congrats on your progressive 3!
@ Kathleen, completely unrelated, but..I am very fond of your 'nicer notes' venture.
@ Crystal, thank you, ma'am!
@ Daisy, I am so excited to have you aboard.
Congrats on your progress and welcome to the challenge. Holler if you need anything.