Jan 12th, 2013 by Jennifer Lynn
Yesterday Lexi and I ventured to the library together for the first time.
As soon as we stepped into the sunniness of the lobby, I felt right at home. Libraries are like the perfect sanctuary—where it is okay to tip-toe about and wander a bit lost before stumbling into different worlds. It is okay to slip away for a time. To engage in deep thought. Everyone keeps a respectful distance and no one questions or judges you or anything. Nobody gives a shit.
Lexi and I shilly-shallied near the rear stacks. A smartly dressed man was glancing through Forbes magazine and we maneuvered past him to settle into a quiet seating area near the window. The cresting rail of the chair dug into my back as I hoisted Lexi onto my lap. I twisted about to get comfortable in order to get through some readings of Dr. Seuss and Curious George.
Look, Mommy! Lexi pointed in awe at all of the dragons and faeries and stories full of whimsy surrounding us, her rosebud lips forming a delicate ‘o’ as tiny features filled up with that concentrated wonder of: omg, so many books! A wee imagination that was unfolding into new and different worlds of exploration and magical adventures.
My itty-bitty bookworm.
A library is where books live and it’s impossible not to feel tranquil in that quiet atmosphere. I love circling through all of the stacks and slowly thumbing through the different volumes before delving into a certain section. As silly as it sounds, somehow it makes me feel more illuminated. More relaxed. As if somehow the books are transferring their deepest secrets to me.
Does that sound insane?
…perhaps not, but books can be that perfect companion.
Have you recently visited a local library or bookstore?
If you haven’t had an opportunity to do so, here is a list of reading material to sustain you through the weekend. So grab a coffee and relax with some of these epic reads from the personal finance blogosphere:
The First Million is the Hardest – The 99 Best Personal Finance Posts of 2012
Femme Frugality – For the Love of a Turtle
Brick by Brick Investing – Slow is Smooth & Smooth is Fast
My Money Design – Welcome Back to Work – Did You Notice Your Paycheck is Lower?
Tackling Our Debt – Blog Planner – Grab Your Free Digital Copy
LBee and the Money Tree – Financial Realities: Living with Endometriosis
Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses – Bye Bye Rainy Vancouver, Hello Sunny Thailand!
Frugal Rules – Even More Blogging Tips From a Beginner
Edward Antrobus – December 2012 Net Worth Update
When Life Gives You Lemons…Add Vodka – Beat Those Winter Blues
Monster Piggy Bank – Using Coupons to Save Money
Reach Financial Independence – 13 Money Resolutions for 2013: #6 Crush Your Debt!
Young Adult Money – Save Money: 5 Sources of Free Entertainment
The Money Principle – About New Year’s Resolutions, Saving and Wasting
Modest Money – Not Paying For Someone Else’s Mistakes
Debt RoundUp – Should You Consolidate Credit Card Debt?
Work Save Live – Rock That Debt – Reader’s Budget Analysis
Canadian Budget Binder – Get Out of Debt First, Then Focus on Saving
Club Thrifty – My Escape from Hotel Hell
Master the Art of Saving – Saving Up Money To Pay Cash For A Car
Digital Personal Finance – How Frequently Should You Check Your Investments?
Happy reading!
I do use the library, all the time in fact. I’m not one to pay for books so I’ll wait until they are at the library then give them a read. There’s something about the serenity in the environment of the library that I enjoy. Thanks for the mention mate! Mr.CBB
I miss a library around here, I saw there was one in the next town but trips there are always rushed. Now I book swap with the nearby hotel, take one and leave one. Generally travelers don’t leave great reads but it is better than nothing. Thanks for the mention!
We’re just starting to introduce our daughter to the library…we just know she’s going to love it. It’s so much fun to watch the little ones discover new things and enjoy them. If you’re insane…then I am in good company.
Thanks much for the mention Jennifer!
As a librarian I love seeing posts like this
Thanks for making me like my job even more!
[...] library, not just a sanctuary for books. brokeass-mommy.com/the-library-no…Follow Mr.CBB On Twitter! [...]
Thanks for the mention. I will admit, it’s been a couple months since I’ve actually been IN a library. I do most of my reading these days on my Sony Reader and borrow ebooks from the library website instead.
Thanks for including me
I honestly haven’t been to a library since I left college. I do go to bookstores quite often to sit around and read though, so I guess I’m not a total loss!
Oh, my gosh. We LOVE LOVE LOVE the library. As if all the fabulous books weren’t enough, we use so many of their programs for us and the little ones. Thanks for the lovin!
I used to be a library regular when I was younger, but seeing as most books are only $5-10 on book depository I normally buy them now.
Our biggest problem now is that we have 2 bookcases that are entirely full…
Thanks for including me this week Jennifer
I don’t frequent the library much, but my wife does quite often. Thank you for the mention Jennifer. I really appreciate it!
I love the library. Just the unending wealth of choices there for me whether it be books or dvds or magazines.
Thanks so much for mentioning me!!!
Thanks for the mention Jennifer!
Thanks for the mention!
As for libraries, I’m a huge fan! At least, of the libraries around here anyway. They have a good selection of items, which is the primary purpose of the library. In addition, however, the 2 places near here are simply tranquil places to read or get things done…including going online!
I just don’t have time to go that often, due to my hectic work schedule, kids, etc. But every once in a while, it’s a real treat to go there. I NEVER thought I would say that back when I was a kid, but times change!
[...] Prairie Eco-Thrifter, My University Money, The Random Path, Evolving PF, Eyes on the Dollar, Brokeass Mommy, My Money Design, Planting Our [...]
[...] was featured on Frugal Rules, Work Save Live, Modest Money, Broke Ass Mommy, Outlier Model, Eyes on the Dollar, Carnival of Money Pros, The frugal farmer, We only do this [...]
[...] Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes The library, not just a sanctuary for books. – Read my take on the library, and let me say that it’s now just a sanctuary for [...]
[...] Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes The library, not just a sanctuary for books. – Read my take on the library, and let me say that it’s now just a sanctuary for [...]
[...] The library, not just a sanctuary for books. on Broke-Ass Mommy [...]
[...] Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes The library, not just a sanctuary for books. – Read my take on the library, and let me say that it’s now just a sanctuary for [...]
Hah. Books & animals, my favorites
[...] Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes The library, not just a sanctuary for books. – Read my take on the library, and let me say that it’s now just a sanctuary for [...]
[...] Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes The library, not just a sanctuary for books. – Read my take on the library, and let me say that it’s now just a sanctuary for [...]
I absolutely love books as well. I remember how incredible I felt as a little kid walking into the local library. To this day, books are an incredible thing!!
[...] Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes The library, not just a sanctuary for books. – Read my take on the library, and let me say that it’s now just a sanctuary for [...]
[...] Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes The library, not just a sanctuary for books. – Read my take on the library, and let me say that it’s now just a sanctuary for [...]
[...] The Library, Not Just a Sanctuary For Books on Broke-Ass Mommy [...]
[...] Broke-Ass Mommy » The library, not just a sanctuary for books. [...]