...a mommy with a passion for saving, personal finance and investing

Women’s Personal Finance Network

Broke-Ass Mommy Alexa Rankings

    Broke-Ass Mommy first started tracking Alexa rankings after joining the Yakezie Challenge in July 2012, when this site was only a few weeks old. Here were my rankings at that time:

    July 10, 2012--
    Alexa ranking: 3,507,434
    rank within U.S. : 362,177

    My current Alexa rankings:

    Proud Member of Yakezie

    Personal Finance Blogs

Archive for the 'Don’t Know Where The Hell This Goes' Category

I was awoken at 5:15 a.m. experiencing chills and a raspy cough. And teeny, mealy fists tangled into my neck and hair. I felt like shit and there was Lexi, peeking at me. Grinning and talking her gibberish. Feebly I tried to coax her to lay down and snuggle into my tartan blanket, but all [...]

It was a soggy weekend for camping but we still managed to have ample fun, and on Friday night we hoisted the canoe onto our Caliber and drove a couple of hours to Willow Bay, Pennsylvania for our family weekend camping excursion. On Saturday we indulged in a brisk paddle in the canoe and chortled [...]

I am not dead, just zipping along in the car on our way to Willow Bay, Pennsylvania for two days of autumn camping fun. Will attempt to provide more tales from the tent as the weekend progresses. Have a superb Friday, everyone. =^..^=

Fun things afoot and I am slacking with updates this week, I know. I am ferociously giddy with autumn wine-making. This week we harvested and pressed our wild apples and grapes, with two carboy-filled juic-y science experiments now bubbling in the kitchen with yeast and honey. And we are also busily traipsing through town with [...]

Soon I’ll return to financial topics but first I need to share some of this weird shit that has been happening to me, which started last week when I took the garbage outside and walked back into the foyer to discover a bat hanging (upside down) and guarding our door. On the inside of our [...]

Child usefulness #37—When Lexi wrecked havoc on my workspace area earlier and found her sonogram photos, which have been misplaced for months. Lexi, among the carnage. Brutal truth: My kid is much more efficient than I am. =^..^= P.S. Between typing and editing this, Lexi started to rouse and I tiptoed away, straight into a [...]

While perusing my inbox—where do these questionable emails come from? No, I don’t want to ‘browse hot singles in my area looking for no strings attached sex!’—I was offered a link that just had to be shared. From best-selling fantasy author Patrick Rothfuss (dude has a wicked ‘fro and beard combination, how could I not [...]

Last night M. and I attempted to replace the control arm on my vehicle to fix a loose ball joint, but it was obvious something had gone terribly awry once he flipped the ignition and an explosive pop! and sickly grinding radiated from behind the tire, which produced a host of problems. Soo, since Lexi [...]

My epiphany for the evening, as I pant inside this blistering apartment: At the moment, even before a vintage typewriter (which I’ve always wanted, for the sheer pleasure of tapping on polished keys, to hear that familiar clickety-clack), I would love to acquire a sturdy, waterproof metal detector and wield it around like a bad-ass, [...]

Is it weird that I’m laying in bed browsing financial forums on my iPod, with my daughter snuggled peacefully beside me, napping. All of my friends tip-toe around the subject of personal finance. They find it a wee uncomfortable and pretty snooz-y, and yet I can spend hours devouring material and crunching numbers in my [...]

Due to an itsy-bitsy tick munching into the crook of my arm, I spent most of yesterday at the doctor’s office being treated for tick bite. : ( (And a slight burn, but more on that later.) Thursday morning, M. and I discussed whether to camp out for one more night or head to Boston [...]

Right now it’s almost midnight and I had to use a flashlight to stumble my way to the bathroom. M. and I packed the car up Friday night and drove eight hours to Cape Ann, Massachusetts. Right now, I’m huddled in a tent in utter darkness, tapping out an update from M.’s 3G phone. Tomorrow [...]

Officially, it’s an ‘I’m frazzled’ friday. A morning where I surge out of bed and dismally announce to the world: I’m feeling frazzled. M: (rolls eyes) Lexi:  ::sounds a baby makes:: (grabs at booby) I’m grateful for how seriously they take me. Source: The Cat Woman It’s a frazzled tale where; Mysteriously, my favorite Winnie-the-Pooh [...]

There is a ‘twenty random things‘ meme circulating through the blogosphere and I compiled my own list this morning. Just thought I’d share. So, how’s your Monday? Det land endnu er skønt, thi blå sig søen bælter, og løvet står så grønt Og ædle kvinder, skønne mø’r og mænd og raske svende bebo de danskes [...]

What I’m currently viewing: Sometimes, you’ve got to get mad! This is such a great snippet that resonated strongly with me, especially for debt enslavement, compulsive consumerism, and the general status quo. “All I know is that first, you’ve got to get mad … you’ve got to say, ‘I’m a HUMAN BEING, god damn [...]

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My Broke-Ass Budget

    Striving to reach one financial goal at a time.

    Paid-off Distress Debt:

    Current Net Worth:
    $31, 653

    My current financial challenge, as a stay-at-home mom, is to raise $1,000, somehow.


    $0 $112.50 $372.50 (February 2013)

    Total =
    $372.50 out of $1,000


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