...a mommy with a passion for saving, personal finance and investing

Women’s Personal Finance Network

Broke-Ass Mommy Alexa Rankings

    Broke-Ass Mommy first started tracking Alexa rankings after joining the Yakezie Challenge in July 2012, when this site was only a few weeks old. Here were my rankings at that time:

    July 10, 2012--
    Alexa ranking: 3,507,434
    rank within U.S. : 362,177

    My current Alexa rankings:

    Proud Member of Yakezie

    Personal Finance Blogs

Archive for the 'Goals' Category

Being trammeled with a zillion distractions also means I haven’t had a chance to establish my financial and savings goals for 2013. How silly of me. Face palm. So to that end, here we are, officially. It’s time to institute some financial goals for the coming months. Hurrah! I am still a stay-at-home mommy without [...]

Time, it just…evaporates. This week, I have decided to keep a log of how I spend my time. Since having a baby, I cannot recall feeling restless or bored because the days just dwindle away so quickly now. But where do all of those hours really go? Then it dawned on me: in order to [...]

I am on a quest for that perfect bag. For the past few years I have been hauling around an ultra cheap purse that quite literally is on its last threads. Little bits are starting to flake off the strap and the seams are becoming undone. The bottom is spongy and torn and getting ready [...]

Holy smokes. I logged into this site last night and immediately I was battered by one hundred and eighteen 129 spam comments—all from yesterday. (Oops, more came through this morning.) Was there a change or update somewhere that I have been oblivious to, that is attracting all of these unsolicited messages? This is my first [...]

Resolutions for 2013.

The holidays nearly are over, oof. This week I will return to my regular schedule of visiting/reading/commenting on everybody’s fabulous blogs that unfortunately I have been missing out on. And overall playing catch-up with writing duties. It has been a strange feeling to be so absent from the blogging community these past few weeks and [...]

A Mish-Mash of Goals

Remember the financial goal I set for myself waaaaaay back in June? You don’t?  It was when I was determined, as a stay-at-home mommy without a reliable income stream, to forge a financial challenge at the start of summer to raise $1,000, somehow. Yeah. That financial challenge. This is how things currently stand: (All income [...]

Officially I am in this vigorous declutter-all-of-my-stuff zone. Witnessing an orgy of insatiable consumerism (propelled by events such as Black Friday) stimulates me to be cognizant of at least one thing: I have too much crap all ready. And I am so, so tired of the endless string of commercials and email blasts, urging me [...]

This week I qualified for and completed my first focus group. It turned out to be a strange but entertaining experience. This particular group was for lip balm and each day for one week I was given a specific task to complete before bedtime. For example, during one assignment I was sent on a shopping [...]

As the delicious Autumn chill swirls through the city air, there is a riotous fluttering of crisp and golden leaves outside. Everything has such an enchanting russet undertone. Yesterday the first fragile snowflakes descended here, y’all! Lexi and I hit the wet pavement to walk three blocks to the mailbox. (Ruddy cheeks, delicate sneezes and [...]

As biting and shivery weather settles forth, there have been some items I have contemplated splurging on, but the real trick has been scuffling with my (naturally) frugal nature, as a few of these will set me back a pittance. But nonetheless, they are still exquisite ways to indulge myself a teensy bit during the [...]

I am suffering through a severe lack of sleep. The wee one has been wrangling a fever-induced wakefulness the past two nights due to her one-year shots last week; not only am I pale and sluggish, but a persistent throbbing has emanated from behind my left eyeball, making it nearly impossible to stare at a [...]

Clearing Out the Clutter

Time to diminish the piles. I’m buried beneath clutter and I despise it. My goal for the remainder of the week is to clear away all the useless crap clutter suffocating surrounding me. Our apartment is anarchy and it’s amazing how quickly clutter accumulates, taking up unnecessary space and festering in every nook and cranny. [...]

Ugh. Expenses. This weekend was brutal, financially. Another wedding. (Our second within a month.) A stag party last night. And another wedding reception next weekend. M. and I calculated our wedding gift expenses, and it’s reaching such an exorbitant amount, I feel foolish (as a professed frugal-y chick) confessing the amount. I wonder how others [...]

I find it motivating to track my site’s evolution, and thus in-between plucking boogers out of my daughter’s nose—she has a raging cold—I wanted to share some site stats, as you may find them interesting as well. Broke-Ass Mommy officially launched at the end of June, when I started consistently to post, and here is [...]

Officially, it’s an ‘I’m frazzled’ friday. A morning where I surge out of bed and dismally announce to the world: I’m feeling frazzled. M: (rolls eyes) Lexi:  ::sounds a baby makes:: (grabs at booby) I’m grateful for how seriously they take me. Source: The Cat Woman It’s a frazzled tale where; Mysteriously, my favorite Winnie-the-Pooh [...]

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My Broke-Ass Budget

    Striving to reach one financial goal at a time.

    Paid-off Distress Debt:

    Current Net Worth:
    $31, 653

    My current financial challenge, as a stay-at-home mom, is to raise $1,000, somehow.


    $0 $112.50 $372.50 (February 2013)

    Total =
    $372.50 out of $1,000


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