...a mommy with a passion for saving, personal finance and investing

Women’s Personal Finance Network

Broke-Ass Mommy Alexa Rankings

    Broke-Ass Mommy first started tracking Alexa rankings after joining the Yakezie Challenge in July 2012, when this site was only a few weeks old. Here were my rankings at that time:

    July 10, 2012--
    Alexa ranking: 3,507,434
    rank within U.S. : 362,177

    My current Alexa rankings:

    Proud Member of Yakezie

    Personal Finance Blogs

Archive for the 'Link Crushin’' Category

Alas, it’s Monday, again. (Insert a somewhat unintelligible grunt. Which, in Jennifer language, translates roughly to: good morning, all. Do try to enjoy your Monday.) Here are some assorted updates since my site last week went kerflooey and got hacked to bits. It seems my web host experienced a walloping bout of hacking occurrences over [...]

Yesterday Lexi and I ventured to the library together for the first time. As soon as we stepped into the sunniness of the lobby, I felt right at home. Libraries are like the perfect sanctuary—where it is okay to tip-toe about and wander a bit lost before stumbling into different worlds. It is okay to [...]

Apparently it’s that time again and as the countdown to Christmas continues, here is a fabulous list of articles from the personal finance community to occupy your quieter moments. So find an opportunity to buckle down and snuggle onto the couch to sip on a hot drink in your favorite mug. At the moment I [...]

Has the weekend arrived all ready? Time seems to evaporate sometimes in our little apartment. Even with trembling barren branches scraping across the bedroom window and the onset of dark gray skies, time is standing still. I love jamming chilly toes into my pale gray slippers or wool socks in the morning. Sipping on Egyptian [...]

While driving back to the city last night I nearly squashed a large icky rat zipping across our street, yecch! In honor of my grimy, pestilence-spreading friend, I’ve compiled this smashing Rat Race Edition of link crushin’ this week for your perusing pleasure. ahh, spreading link love (and some Sunday snoozin’) But first, I would [...]

More Sunday Snoozing

Good morning on this rather spectacular Sunday. just. ugh. So far our Wee One has managed to flip Daddy’s mug on the coffee table and unravel our paper towels while we scrambled to clean up after her carnage. Currently she is running amok with the remote and trying to scale a cardboard box. Soon we [...]

This week I qualified for and completed my first focus group. It turned out to be a strange but entertaining experience. This particular group was for lip balm and each day for one week I was given a specific task to complete before bedtime. For example, during one assignment I was sent on a shopping [...]

As the delicious Autumn chill swirls through the city air, there is a riotous fluttering of crisp and golden leaves outside. Everything has such an enchanting russet undertone. Yesterday the first fragile snowflakes descended here, y’all! Lexi and I hit the wet pavement to walk three blocks to the mailbox. (Ruddy cheeks, delicate sneezes and [...]

…a muddled Monday Happy Monday, all. Hopefully everyone survived the weekend intact. Here are some personal finance reads floating around the blogosphere, for your distinct perusing pleasure: Canadian Budget Binder – Frugal Halloween Fun: Mr. Cbb’s Scary Witch Finger Cookies! Money Smart Guides – Top Ten Rare Coins of All Time Frugal Rules – Should [...]

FINALLY I have an opportunity to loll about with a cup of tea while I update my finances and catch up on some writing tasks. It took three hours to wrestle Lexi down for a decent nap today and when she insists on skipping sleep like this, she mutates into this drunk-y and crazed savage [...]

Lately it has been a hectic swirl of events with: an unexpected funeral, an out-of-state family camping trip, and a sickly one-year-old bobbing about while afflicted with pink eye. My goal has been to set aside personal time each day to write (a bit on this site and otherwise) while pushing through all this craziness [...]

Welcome to the Labor Day Edition of the Carnival of Financial Camaraderie! Enjoy perusing all the great entries this Labor Day and please take a moment to share a salient post or two on your social media platforms and through your blogs. Also remember, this carnival is hosted every second week by My University Money [...]

My epiphany for the evening, as I pant inside this blistering apartment: At the moment, even before a vintage typewriter (which I’ve always wanted, for the sheer pleasure of tapping on polished keys, to hear that familiar clickety-clack), I would love to acquire a sturdy, waterproof metal detector and wield it around like a bad-ass, [...]

Sit back and enjoy, dear reader, a period of merrymaking, feasting and celebration during our financial carnivals, made possible by; The Ultimate Juggle, who served as our gracious host for Yakezie Carnival: The Summer Heat Edition. And Nerd Wallet, who marked the jubilee of Totally Money Carnival #28. There were many participants this week–ensuring enough [...]

A few bitty bobs from a Sunday evening scouring the inter-webs. New York Times (July 13, 2012) – That’s No Phone. That’s My Tracker. The device in your purse or jeans that you think is a cellphone — guess again. It is a tracking device that happens to make calls. Let’s stop calling them phones. [...]

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My Broke-Ass Budget

    Striving to reach one financial goal at a time.

    Paid-off Distress Debt:

    Current Net Worth:
    $31, 653

    My current financial challenge, as a stay-at-home mom, is to raise $1,000, somehow.


    $0 $112.50 $372.50 (February 2013)

    Total =
    $372.50 out of $1,000


    February 2025
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