Jul 18th, 2012 by Jennifer Lynn
Sit back and enjoy, dear reader, a period of merrymaking, feasting and celebration during our financial carnivals, made possible by;
- The Ultimate Juggle, who served as our gracious host for Yakezie Carnival: The Summer Heat Edition.
- And Nerd Wallet, who marked the jubilee of Totally Money Carnival #28.
There were many participants this week–ensuring enough material to make your eyes bleed. Below are a handful of my favorites.
Your Investments Are In Big Trouble @ Thousandaire.
I believe this is one of the scariest economic times in recent history, but if you prepare yourself financially there’s a good chance you can make a bunch of money while many people around you are losing their shirts. Let’s get started..
5 Things That Can Be Outsourced on your Blog @ When Life Gives You Lemons, Add Vodka.
As my blog has grown, I’ve found myself getting more overwhelmed with the time and effort required for me to sustain it…it turns out you can outsource a whole lot, though..here are 5 time sucking blogging activities that can be outsourced..
How I Cut My Spending 38% By Simply Writing It Down @ L Bee and the Money Tree.
You may have heard me gushing on my blog/twitter about this FREE debt worksheet I’ve been working off starting last month…I am always eager to try out tools that work for others, and I must say this spreadsheet really is helping me stay on top of things..
Why I’ll Never Get My Future Kid a Credit Card @ Work, Save, Live.
When I was in high school and I started driving, my mom added me as an authorized user on her credit card. This meant that I got my very own credit card that I could charge whenever I wanted. I was like a grown-up without a job! How cool right? .. I will never add my future kids as authorized users on my credit card… here’s why..
More carnivals to peruse:
Wealth Artisan’s FinCarn at Wealth Artison
Totally Money Carnival at Money Challenge
Y & T’s Weekend Ramblings at Young and Thrifty
Yakezie Carnival at Passive Income to Retire
Carnival of Fin. Camaraderie at Modest Money
Have fun, all you revelers. =^..^=