Feb 10th, 2013 by Jennifer Lynn
Alas, it’s Monday, again.
(Insert a somewhat unintelligible grunt. Which, in Jennifer language, translates roughly to: good morning, all. Do try to enjoy your Monday.)
Here are some assorted updates since my site last week went kerflooey and got hacked to bits.
It seems my web host experienced a walloping bout of hacking occurrences over a several week period. Clean-up here is an ongoing process as we struggle to restore the site back to health after this whole stupid thing; my sidebars are being particularly vexing. Grumble.
Officially I’ve had it with spam.
(Yes, I’m a fucking cry-baby.)
Akismet is installed and now captures hundreds of comments per day. As a non-tech type of gal, I’m baffled what might have triggered such a large onslaught of spamm-y comments lately. But I am getting buried in the assault. At least Akismet is storing them nicely for me, which is a huge positive. I am trying very hard to ensure that legitimate comments aren’t slipping through the cracks.
Also, there has been progress on my latest financial challenge to raise money as a stay-at-home mommy. I am somewhat surprised by this as I didn’t expect to write an update so early on. However, I have earned $312 in side income since restarting the clock and blasting off with my new benchmark of raising $1,000, somehow.
Every penny of that, for those interested, was compensation for past written articles on another site.
That is a good chunk of change and all ready I have managed to scamper nearly 1/3 of the way to the finish line. Yeahhhh, doggies! (Of course, I have totally jinxed everything by writing this, and doomed myself to a dusty and parched next couple of months.)
Still! Progress is remarkably encouraging. Let’s hope the momentum continues.
In unrelated news, here are some reads from around the personal finance blogopshere for your perusing pleasure, to help slog through those Monday blahs:
The Money Principle – £100K ($157K) to zero in three years flat: we are debt free!
Modest Money – Money Problems $999.99 Cash Giveaway Contest – How Job Stability Affects Finances
Brick By Brick Investing – Selling Options — How To Start Your Own Casino
Sixty Payments – Breakfast Casserole and Valentine Hearts
Reach Financial Independence – Little house in Guatemala, Week 14-15
Club Thrifty – My Credit Score: Why I Don’t Care and You Shouldn’t Either
I really don’t feel like accomplishing anything this afternoon, but I should buckle down and try to get some research done for an upcoming writing project. That, and curl up for a few hours with a deliciously banal novel and a huuuge plate of nachos.
I enjoy my Mondays a lot more when I am on holidays than when I have to go to work :p
Also, I think it is great that you have started up financial challenge for yourself to complete. I think you will do it within 2-3 months with a start like that.
Good morning to you! Akismet is great for the most part. However, I am finding that I am not getting any notifications of track backs! Wonder why….Have a great week!
Glad to hear that you are getting things back to normal. Enjoy your Monday (if that is actually possible) and especially the nachos!
I’ve been getting a lot of spam comments too. They come in large groups and then stop for a while.
Congrats on making more money. Always exciting when that happens
Thanks for the mention! You may want to add a spam box too, to avoid bot comments
Glad to hear that things are starting to get back to normal after the hacking. I’ve not gotten a whole lot of spam lately but a BUNCH of emails from people wanting me to hawk their junk. By the looks of 99% it’s obvious they’re emailing a bunch of people as the stuff has no relation to what my site is about.
Thanks for the mention and well done on the side hustle. As to spam – well, know how you feel.
Many of us bloggers have had to deal with spam. Akismet works pretty well, just imagine if we didn’t have it! Hope it subsides soon.
Congrats on the income, Jennifer! I have a feeling you’ll pass your $1k goal quite soon.
I’m sure this note will get caught in Akismet. If you’re seeing this, horray! Somehow I managed to make it through the ring of fire.
Please, don’t say nachos when I haven’t eaten yet. Sounds like breakfast food to me.
I got hacked too
Good job on the side income, but man that sucks about getting hacked.
Good news is you’re making income, bad news is you got hacked. That is awful I’m sorry, I couldn’t imagine. Thank you for the mention, I see I am in good company.
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[...] Good morning, Monday. Some bits and bobs. on Broke-Ass Mommy [...]